Cycling News

6 foods you thought were unhealthy, but aren’t

6 foods you thought were unhealthy, but aren’t

Nutrition can be confusing. Foods we’re told are good for us one day get blacklisted the next. The truth is, all foods can be a part of a healthy diet. However there are a few, in particular, you may be avoiding for no reason. The following items often get left off your grocery lists, but it’s time to start tossing them into your cart.

White potatoes

White potatoes are often viewed as the less-healthy cousins of sweet potatoes, but that’s doing them a disservice. They actually contain twice as much potassium as the orange variety and are a great source of carbohydrates, which makes them an excellent source of post-ride nutrition.


Popcorn is a great high-carbohydrate snack for cyclists. While the movie theatre variety should probably be left for an occasional treat, popping some at home with your own toppings is a great healthy snack for cyclists.


It’s important to replace the electrolytes (sodium and potassium) you lose through sweat. Cyclists sweat a lot when they ride, even in the winter, which means topping up their sodium levels is an important part of proper recovery. While you still should be mindful of the amount of sodium in some processed foods, cyclists don’t need to fear the salt shaker.

Red meat

Red meat has gotten a bad rep over the last several years, and many people believed eating it increased your risk for several health problems, including cancer. Recent studies have dismantled that myth, and research has shown that as long as it’s eaten in moderation (less than 70 g per day), it poses no risk to your health.

For cyclists, red meat is an excellent source of iron, which is crucial to cycling performance because it plays an important role in transmitting oxygen in your blood. Many cyclists struggle with iron deficiency, so those who are omnivores shouldn’t be afraid to have a small steak once in a while.

Full-fat dairy

For years, whole-milk dairy was thought to be too high in fat to be healthy and everyone switched to skim milk and fat-free products. A 2015 study debunked that myth and found that the low or no-fat varieties weren’t any healthier, and people who consumed high-fat dairy weren’t at any greater risk for health problems.

Of course, you probably shouldn’t eat a cup of full-fat yogurt before a ride. However when consumed in moderation, whole milk dairy can be much more satiating and help cyclists meet their daily calorie needs.

White rice and pasta

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