Cycling News

6 meal planning tips for busy cyclists

Emelie Forsberg and friends eat

Balancing a hectic schedule with your training program can be a challenge, and as kids return to school and the rest of us return to our regular post-summer routines, it’s easy to let your nutrition plan slide. If you’re feeling overwhelmed trying to get meals on the table, try these tips to make things a little easier.

Make a meal plan

Allocate time in your schedule for meal planning and prep. Set aside a few hours each week to plan your meals, create a shopping list, get the groceries (or get them delivered) and prepare some ingredients in advance. This will save you valuable time during the week.

Keep an ongoing list

Do you think of a bunch of items you need to pick up during the week, only to forget what they were on grocery day? Keep a list on your fridge where anyone in the house can add an item once you run out. By the time grocery day arrives, your list will be made for you.

Photo: Getty Images

Why cook for only one meal? Whatever you’re preparing for dinner, make double the amount so you can eat leftovers for lunch the next day, or (if your family isn’t too picky) reheat it for the following night’s dinner.

grocery aisle

Cook in batches

This is the next level up. Cook in larger quantities and freeze portions for later. This way, you’ll always have a healthy meal ready to go, even on your busiest days. Soups, stews, and grain bowls are excellent options for batch cooking.

Photo: Getty Images

As a cyclist, you need snacks that provide quick energy. Keep healthy, portable options like nuts, fruit, or energy bars on hand to stave off hunger and maintain energy levels.

healthy bars
Photo: Nora’s Ingenious Cooking

Look for healthy convenience items

Let’s face it, even the most dedicated meal prepper sometimes gets caught with no dinner plan. Keep some healthy, pre-made, heat-and-eat options in your freezer for a rainy day, so you’re never stuck staring at your empty fridge.

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