Cycling News

Best e-bike locks: Extra-secure U-locks and chain locks to protect your investment

Best e-bike locks pack shots

Finding the best e-bike lock presents a unique challenge. On one hand, the experience is similar to other bike security in that nobody wants to walk back to where they parked a bike and find it missing. It doesn’t matter what the bike cost, that’s a terrible feeling. 

There are some differences though. The best electric bikes for commuting are a vulnerable target and the average price is higher than other commuter bikes. When we talked to about the ways in which bikes were being stolen, the one clear data point was the price of lost bikes, and that electric bikes are driving a rise in the average value of the loss. Not only is the average price higher for electric bikes, but with an electric motor helping every turn of the pedals, it’s less of an issue if you add a bit of extra weight to your ride. With those basic needs as an outline, we took a look at the work we’d done covering the best bike locks and we tailored it for a new set of needs.

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