The days when the best handlebar bags for bikes were just made of canvas with room for a couple of snacks or inner tubes have gone. Nowadays, bike handlebar bags have become super-sophisticated and, above all, weatherproof.
The rise of bikepacking means that the best handlebar bags can add a lot of capacity without impairing your riding or interfering wth your handlebars or your controls. There’s a lot to take with you if you want to be fully kitted out for bikepacking, so you can buy bike handlebar bags with 10 litres volume or more. They’re a favourite place to stash a sleeping bag, warm jacket, food, waterproofs and other kit that’s not too heavy.
On the other hand, there are smaller bags that work well for the essentials for a longer day ride when the weather looks suspect, for commuting, or when you just want to avoid loading up your jersey pockets.
So this guide is divided into larger handlebar bags, which typically carry 5 litres and up, and smaller handlebar bags for day rides.
Read on for our guide to the best handlebar bags or scroll down further for a buyer’s guide to help you choose the best bar bag for your needs.
Best handlebar bags for bikes
Best high capacity handlebar bags
With a roll top and 5 litres capacity, the Alpkit Gravel Bag works well whether you’re off on a bikepacking adventure or just want to carry your extras more easily. The roll top makes for a lot easier access than other options, even if you’re wanting to stow bulkier items.
The Alpkit bag is made of waterproof materials, although without taped seams, water will find its way in when the weather is really wet.
Attachment to the bars uses three velcro straps, there’s bungee webbing on the front of the bag for extras like a waterproof and small side pockets. The internal space isn’t divided and we did find that the main strap securing the opening had a tendency to work loose over bumpy ground, but overall this is a great bag for the price.