Cycling News

Clinging to warm weather (and praying for rain) with Trevor Attridge

Clinging to warm weather (and praying for rain) with Trevor Attridge

Nothing beats a summer day on the bike, right? Warm weather, dry trails, no rain, plenty of dust, tons of sweat, zero traction. Wait… is summer the best?

Of course summer riding is awesome. But, in An Ode to Summer Riding (kind of), Trevor Attridge and Max McCulloch serve up a good reminder that fall riding is pretty good too. Like, really good. So roll into the long weekend full of stoke for what is arguably the best season for mountain biking with this tongue-in-cheek look back at the other best season for mountain biking.

An Ode to Summer Riding (kind of)

Riding: Trevor Attridge
Video: Mac McCulloch
Supported by: NOBL Wheels

Click Here to Read the Full Original Article at Canadian Cycling Magazine…