Cycling News

FSA Directeur Sportif Deadline Watch!


How is your FSA Directeur Sportif team coming along? That’s the question of the day. Which a lot of you have answered already but feel free to carry on the chatter here. Because it’s time for another annual event: nudging your friends and frenemies and anyone else who might be interested as the deadline approaches!

Men’s Competition CLOSES Sunday night, 11:59pm CET (aka 2:59pm Seattle Time)

Women’s Competition closes NEXT FRIDAY, Feb 23

For the full briefing on the competition, go to our opening post. Or just hop on over to the FSA DS Page and get started!

So… how’s it going? I’m afraid I haven’t been keeping up on the talk, thanks to regular life plus entering the race calendar plus posting other stuff as the Podium Cafe gets back into high gear. I haven’t even really thought much about my team besides the top two riders (some of you will have no trouble guessing their names). Oh and the Editors’ League draft, which is up to round 8 as I write. Clydesdale, one of the original architects of the DS competition, has hacked into my private rider notes and keeps taking my targeted rider one place before my turn, but I can’t decide if he should BURN IN HELL FOR HIS TRANSGRESSIONS or if he’s just nobly trying to save me from myself. I do so love draft leagues.

Anyway, please feel free to nudge anyone you know is thinking about playing. Also here are a few regular reminders:

* YOU MUST HIT SUBMIT!! Just completing the roster is not quite enough.

* If you have submitted and are having second thoughts, email me or try to get my attention in the comments (which I will be monitoring all weekend) and I can “unsubmit” your team for you to make changes. Until the deadline, of course.

Anything else? Hope the pricing feels right this year.

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