Cycling News

How to not properly pass a kid on a bike

How to not properly pass a kid on a bike

With children back at school, it’s important to remember many will be riding their bikes in the early morning or evening. Riding to school is a great way for kids to get exercise before and after, and can be a nice bonding experience with their parents or friends.

There’s a new movement called “the bike bus” which is gaining traction to keep children safe on their way to school. The idea is a simple but clever way to get kids to ride their bikes safely to place of learning. Basically, the “bus” is a rolling caravan of kids riding to school with some parents acting as chaperones, making sure everyone gets there safely.

This transport truck demonstrated the proper way to pass a cyclist

Many cities are using the system as a viable and easy way to get kids on their bike to and from school, in a safe way.

Not all cities use the bike bus system, of course, and most kids will ride to school on their own, with friends or family. Television personality Jeremy Vine, and cycling advocate, posted a photo of a young cyclist riding to school, being filmed by his dad. In the video, an oncoming car does not slow down one bit, and almost buzzes the poor young rider.

“Take a look at this video of a five-year-old cycling to school. He’s being recorded by his dad behind,: Vine tweeted. “Look at how close this car approaches the child. Who is in the wrong? Is it the five-year old, or is it the driver of the Ford?”

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