Cycling News

Max’s Big Ride gets a little of help from friends…including Derek Gee

Max's Big Ride gets a little of help from friends...including Derek Gee

2024 marks the 10th anniversary of Max’s Big Ride, which began in 2015 when Andrew Sedmihradsky rode 600 km from Ottawa to Hamilton with his son Max on a cargo bike. His son has Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Andrew has continued this ride every summer, totaling 5,400 km.

As Duchenne is a progressive disease, Max, now in high school, requires more care, and Andrew faces his own challenges.

What is Duchenne muscular dystrophy?

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common muscle disease in childhood. It affects 1 in 3,500 boys. While it can be inherited, about one-third of cases arise from spontaneous mutations. DMD leads to progressive muscle weakness, starting around age 3 with frequent falls and difficulty climbing stairs, ultimately requiring a wheelchair.

It affects the arms, breathing muscles, and heart, and is fatal. There is currently no cure for DMD. However, medical interventions can improve lifespan and quality of life. Max’s Big Ride raises funds for the Gunning Group Lab at the University of Toronto Mississauga, with all donations directed toward research for better outcomes for those affected by DMD.

Searching for a cure

“It’s a terrible disease which doesn’t allow Max’s muscles to develop,” his dad said. “Unless a cure is found, Max will never get a chance to do the things he dreams about doing. Most children diagnosed with Duchenne, as it stands now, are confined to a wheelchair by the age of 12. Max’s Big Ride aims to raise awareness and advocate for better outcomes for those living with DMD.

Derek Gee gives his miles

The duo recently held a very unique fundraiser where supporters were asked to donate their miles to reduce Andrew’s total kilometres. Former pro cyclist Ruby West heard about the fundraiser and told her fiancé Derek Gee. Gee, who finished 9th at the Tour de France, happily donated 200 km. And where did they come from? The recent Grand Prix Cycliste de Quebec.

If you’d like to donate, buy a T-shirt or learn more about Max and his dad’s incredible ride, click on

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