Cycling News

Miguel Ángel López taken hostage in wild robbery

Miguel Ángel López suspended for suspected doping violation

The story of Miguel Ángel López took another bizarre twist on Thursday when the Colombian racer was kidnapped from his farm, held hostage and robbed.

According to local police in Boyacá, López was approached by a trio of men while on his farm in Pesca. They somehow kidnapped the Colombian racer and held him hostage for three hours.

López’ truck, cellphone and $800,000 Colombian pesos (that’s about CAD 274.00) were taken before he was set free. The racer then went to a Boyacá police station to report the crime, according to El Tiempo.

Superman’s struggles take a weird twist

This brazen robbery is just the latest chapter in a tumultuous period for the racer nicknamed “Superman.” López was let go from the Astana Qazaqstan team last year over connections to Operation Ibex. That led to a temporary suspension, then re-instatement at Astana Qazaqstan, in 2022 before the team declined to keep the Colombian on the squad for 2023.

The 29-year-old was unable to secure a spot on any major teams for the 2023 season. This forced him to return home and race with the Medellín EPM squad in Colombia.

Then, in July 2023, López was provisionally suspended by the UCI for a suspected doping violation during a period in 2022.

Lopez isn’t the first high profile pro cyclist to

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