Cycling News

Motorist who allegedly killed Davide Rebellin and fled, tracked down in Germany

Motorist who allegedly killed Davide Rebellin and fled, tracked down in Germany

The truck driver who allegedly killed professional cyclist Davide Rebellin on Wednesday has been found following a joint manhunt conducted by Italian, German and Austrian police.

According to a report in Italian paper Il Gazzettino the motorist knew he had hit the cyclist, but left the scene anyway.

Furthermore, according to the article, several witnesses saw the driver get out of his truck and look at Rebellin, before quickly getting back in the cab and taking off.

Family and friends of Davide Rebellin desperate to find driver who killed him

It also appears like this is not the driver’s first offense. The German driver pleaded guilty to a non-fatal hit-and-run incident in 2001, and in 2014 was charged for drinking and driving.

Giuseppe Moscati, of the local police, said the authorities worked quickly to figure out where the German driver fled. They worked with other police forces to locate him.

“We don’t know if that will help to relieve the pain that the local and wider Italian community is feeling, but I want to thank everybody who helped the police in their investigation.”

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