Cycling News

NFGU: Magnus Manson races his first World Cup in two years

NFGU: Magnus Manson races his first World Cup in two years

Magnus Manson raced his first World Cup downhill in two years in Loudenvielle, France on Saturday. While the former Canadian elite downhill champion (2018) didn’t qualify for finals, anyone who knows Manson’s story knows that rolling out of the start hut in Loudenvielle at all is a huge, and extremely inspiring, accomplishment.

For the past three years, Manson has battled a cancer diagnosis. A first return to racing was sidelined when his Hodgkin’s Lymphoma returned. The Vancouver Island racer continues his incredible effort to balance ongoing treatment with regular life, including riding bikes.

In Loudenvielle, Manson ended up 108th for his Forbidden Synthesis team. But – again, wildly impressive stuff – was 33rd at the first intermediate split and 42nd at the second. In his first World Cup in two years. On an incredibly physical track in Loudenvielle made all the more difficult by crazy weather and rain over the last few days of practice. So cool to see.

If you’re not familiar with Manson or his story, check out the episode of Miranda Miller’s series Here. There. Everywhere. about him below and prepare to be inspired.

Here. There. Everywhere: Magnus Manson

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