Cycling News

Six things I learned on my hardest ever ride

Josh Croxton crosses the finish line of Chasing Cancellara Zurich Zermatt

Last week I was lucky enough to go to Switzerland to ride the Chasing Cancellara Zurich-Zermatt ultra fondo. At 275km long, with two mountain passes and a third mountain-sized ascent to the finish in the Alpine ski resort of Zermatt, it was the longest, and by far the hardest, challenge I’d faced on two wheels. 

Naturally, such is the way when pushing oneself to new boundaries, things are learned. Some of those were simple mistakes that, while I’ve undoubtedly learned from, will probably be replaced with others in future. Forgetting to pack a towel for the finish line was a new one, alongside loading the route before starting the ride, or making a note of how much I’d eaten so I didn’t need to try and remember. 

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