Cycling News

This DJ threw the most amazing cycling rave

This DJ threw the most amazing cycling rave

Dom Whiting, also known as the DJ on a Bike hosts amazing raves on bikes. ​The 26-year-old is from Wycombe, England, and his day job is running a car repair business.

Whiting started hosting bike raves during the COVID-19 pandemic, and created a pretty sweet set-up on his ride. In an article from, he explained what his rig is like. “The set up consists of: The bike, a power pack generator, decks, speakers, many cables, an internet source and of course me,” he said. “I bought the bike as standard and have heavily modified it to meet my needs of riding and DJing. I’ve put a lot of man hours into the modifications making sure everything is right.”

There’s also bike raves in Canada, with some big ones in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal.

The DJ is a big fan of house and techno, as you can see from the videos below. He encourages people to come out on his rides by signing up on his website.

If you’re ever in the area, you can find out upcoming raves on bikes at

In the meantime, check out his latest bike rave below.

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