Cycling News

This is the incredibly scary situation for kids when cars park in bike lanes

A kid riding out of a bike lane to avoid a car

Every cyclist has felt the frustration of seeing a car parked in a bike lane. Separated bike lanes create a safe spot for riders to commute or ride without fear of a distracted driver or a close pass. If a car is in the way, you have to look behind you, signal, make sure there aren’t any cars, and hope that you can get back into the lane as quickly as possible. It’s hard enough for an adult to make this maneuver on a busy road, let alone a kid.

Watch these kids give a passionate and convincing argument for bike lanes

Riding to school is a great way for kids to get fresh air and some exercise, but it must be done safely. When there are obstacles in the way for children on bikes, it can create a very risky and dangerous situation.

In many parts of the world, some parents have started creating what is known as a “bike bus.” It’s a rolling group of kids, with parents at the front and back, escorting the group to school. The leaders of the ride will coordinate with other parents to pick up the little ones on the way, and the entire pack will ride safely to school.

The bike bus movement is spreading

It’s just one of many initiatives to help children ride safely. Of course, the best help for kids is increased infrastructure like dedicated bike lanes. But they only work if motorists realize the importance of them and don’t park in them.

Here’s a video of just how sketchy it is for a car to block a bike lane, even if it’s just “for two minutes.”

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