Cycling News

Vancouver cyclist sues city after collision with hazardous barrier

Vancouver cyclist sues city after collision with hazardous barrier

A cyclist in Vancouver is pursuing legal action against the City of Vancouver, alleging that workers placed a hazardous concrete barrier in an unlit section of the Stanley Park bike lane. According to Karen Hansen, the obstacle seemed designed to force cyclists to make a turn, but insufficient signage was present in the vicinity, according to a report in Burnaby Now.

Unmarked barrier in lane

The cyclist said there was a small painted arrow on the lane and a green sign featuring an arrow and text right next to the barrier. On August 11, while riding in the bike lane, she unexpectedly collided with an unlit, unmarked concrete barrier.

After crash in Stanley Park, cyclist urges city to fix bike lane issues

In the aftermath, Hansen claims to have suffered from headaches, blurred vision, a concussion, an elbow injury, neck and back pain, whiplash, psychological injuries, chronic pain, and sleep deprivation.

Multiple injuries

Hansen said that, “The injuries have caused and continue to cause the plaintiff pain, suffering, and loss of enjoyment of life.”

There was a ‘funeral’ for the removed bike lanes in Stanley Park

Hansen is seeking an unspecified amount of compensation for general and special damages, along with associated costs. She said the city neglected to ensure the safety of the bike lane for cyclists.

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