Cycling News

Will another cyclist ever follow Lance Armstrong onto a Wheaties box?

Will another cyclist ever follow Lance Armstrong onto a Wheaties box?

I was at a friend’s house recently when I spotted it. An old Wheaties cereal box on display in the kitchen. The orange box had faded edges. Its heavy, whole grain contents long past the expiration date. The reason it had been saved for so long —23 years and counting, in fact— is because it’s become a bit of a collector’s item. The box’s chosen champion, wearing the yellow Tour de France jersey and depicted in blurred motion, is Lance Armstrong. 

To support its famous “Breakfast of Champions” slogan, General Mills has been featuring American athletes on the Wheaties packaging since 1937. And over the years, this tradition has become a bit of an indicator of an athlete’s stature in American culture. The likes of Babe Ruth, Muhammad Ali, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Michael Phelps, Simone Biles and Serena Williams have all been featured. 

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