Cycling News

A baker’s dozen of narrow bars, gummy bears, and one incredible bike: Will’s Gear of the Year

A close up of a wahoo bike computer

This is my third year of rounding up my favourite tech of the last 12 months. I’m using tech in a very loose sense here, as some of it isn’t necessarily tech, or even cycling related at all, but has had a positive impact on my riding this year. In order to get a better spread of things from throughout the year I’ve kept a note in my phone that I have added to as the year progresses, so as not to unfairly bias this list towards stuff that I’ve liked more recently.

I’m not going to wax lyrical about what I’ve been up to. This isn’t a blog, and I’ll fill you in on anything juicy in the product bits as we go. In no particular order, here’s what I’ve really loved using this year. 

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