Cycling News

BYXE Week aims to motivate more Saskatoon cyclists to ride in the winter

BYXE Week aims to motivate more Saskatoon cyclists to ride in the winter

Running until Feb. 25, BYXE Week aims to inspire individuals to ride during winter, offering activities such as scavenger hunts, complimentary drinks, selfie contests, and more. Jason Hanson from Saskatoon Cycles highlighted the thriving cycling community in the city, noting ongoing improvements in cycling infrastructure.

The freedom of cycling all year

“Just the love of freedom, the love of pedalling around with my own energy, not being dependent on having to buy gas, not having to be dependent on repairing a car all the time. It’s freedom and it’s cheap and it’s helpful and fun,” he told the CBC.

Between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. CST on Thursday, cyclists are welcome to visit one of the partner businesses for a complimentary drink and snacks. Hanson spoke about his fondness for the Meewasin trail to Wanuskewin, describing it as a cool ride with picturesque views throughout. He emphasized the simple joy of biking, citing the connection between the human body and one of the world’s most efficient forms of transportation. He also said that while many may not view biking as a winter sport, he hopes it can gain more cultural acceptance in cities like Saskatoon.

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Although he does say the city’s current cycling infrastructure still needs some work, improvements are underway, including forthcoming changes such as speed limit reductions to 30 km/h in designated “neighbourhood bikeways.”

He shared one of his latest adventures by bike.

“I was biking to my workplace at a bookstore. The frost was on the trees down on the Meewasin Trail right by the Sid Buckwold Bridge and it was literally magical. The way the sunlight was shining through the trees. There was steam coming off the river. It was just right out of a fairy tale book,” he said.
For more information about BYXE visit

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