Cycling News

Former pro caught with EPO at Italian Gran Fondo

doping UCI

Former Continental Team rider Nicola Genovese of Italy has returned a sample with EPO in his system, according to National Anti-Doping Organization (NADO Italia).
The test followed Genovese’s win at the Gran Fondo Poggi di Maremma in Tuscany.The 30-year-old dropped three other riders in the break to take the win at the 132-km event.

An impressive win!

Italian website TuttoBiciWeb was particularly effusive about the victory. “Nicola Genovese is reborn with determination from his own ashes and does so by returning stronger than before,” the report of the race read. A rider who is at the same time brilliant and humble who would have deserved important stages in the professionals, while the years spent with Team D’Amico Utensilnord did not give him the right visibility.”

Genovese rode with d’Amico – Bottecchia in 2016 and 2017. The team was composed of mostly Italians and raced primarily in Europe. His top results during those two years were a second at the Ronde de l’Oise in France as well as a second at the Cycling Tour of Bihor – Bellotto in Romania.

Could be banned for two years

His current club team ASD Rossi Azzurri, has not yet made any comments about the allegations. Genovese could be banned from cycling for two years after the positive sample.

Italian Gran Fondo rider tests positive second time in 3 years

“The National Anti-Doping Tribunal, accepting the instance proposed by the National Anti-Doping Prosecutor’s Office, has provisionally suspended the athlete Nicola Genovese (CNS Libertas member) for the violation of articles 2.1 e 2.2 (substance detected: recombinant erythropoyenin). The test was carried out by NADO Italia,” the statement from the Italian anti-doping agency read.

Former actor knocks over race director after being suspected of mechanical doping

Doping but make it motorized

The news follows another dramatic event at an amateur race, when a cyclist who was suspected of using a motor in his bike, fled the scene. At the Routes de L’Oise event, Giovambattista lera, upon learning organizers thought something was up, was driven away from the course, almost running over the race director.

The 53-year-old cyclist was suspected of cheating after a strong performance on Saturday’s stage, with strange noises reportedly coming from his bike. On Monday morning, race director Frédéric Lenormand requested an inspection, but the cyclist took off to a nearby vehicle to escape.

Given their actions, the cyclist and…

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