Cycling News

Hamilton Police victim blame pedestrians and cyclists

Hamilton Police victim blame pedestrians and cyclists

In October, the Richmond RCMP got famous for the wrong reasons, and it looks like Hamilton Police just asked them to hold their beer. The Mounties posted an article called, “Pedestrian safety is a two-way street: What pedestrians and drivers can do to make our roadways safer.”

Richmond RCMP ratioed

It went on to list some facts about collisions. “In 2022, Richmond RCMP investigated a total of 65 collisions involving pedestrians. 43 of those occurred during the winter months. To date in 2023, Richmond RCMP investigated 47 collisions involving pedestrians,” the report began. It then went on to say that drivers and pedestrians should take measures to avoid collisions. The worst part was that the suggestions for walkers were things like making eye contact with motorists, being careful at intersections, wearing reflective clothing, and removing headphones when you cross the road. The Richmond RCMP were promptly flamed online in the community notes. There was also a video showing a woman almost getting struck by a motorist who was checking his phone. The community notes text beneath the post added onto this, saying, “The province of British Columbia has a Distracted Driving Law that prohibits the use of handheld devices such as cell phones. No laws prohibit the use of headphones or hoodies while pedestrians use marked crosswalks. In this video, only the driver performs an illegal act.” The account was promptly flamed by pedestrian and cycling advocates.

Did we learn nothing, Hammer cops?

On Wednesday, the Hamilton Police account posted something similar on X. Good morning, Hamilton! “As you embark on your early morning commute, your safety is our top priority. Be sure to buckle up, obey traffic rules, and stay alert. If you’re walking or cycling, wear visible clothing and use designated paths,” the post read. “Let’s work together to ensure a safe start to your day.”

As expected, the cycling community responded accordingly. The Bicycle Mayor of Toronto replied, “Victim blame much, Hamilton Police? If you’re a driver and don’t feel the need to prioritize the safety of vulnerable road users, do us all a favor and hand over your keys. Take public transit or walk.”

The throwback to the Mounties’ tweet was not forgotten by many cycling advocates. “Have you learned nothing from when the Richmond RCMP was badly ratioed for making similar victim-blaming remarks? Drivers have a far greater responsibility for their actions given…

Click Here to Read the Full Original Article at Canadian Cycling Magazine…