Cycling News

Lance Armstrong to compete at Enhanced Games

I watched episode 2 of "Stars on Mars" because I hate myself

The first major name for the 2024 Enhanced Games has been announced, and it’s none other than former professional cyclist, Lance Armstrong.

The controversial event is the brainchild of an Australian entrepreneur who is creating an alternative to the Olympic Games, where athletes are free to participate without drug testing and are encouraged to embrace performance-enhancing drugs. Aaron D’Souza and his coalition of athletes, doctors, and scientists are on a mission to change the way people think about doping in the sports world, and the organization’s website features a list of “enhanced world records,” celebrating achievements of athletes who had their medals revoked for doping.

No cycling, but swimming and running

There is no cycling, but instead the competition will include five sports disciplines: track and field, swimming, weightlifting, gymnastics and combat sports. The Games are planned to be held on an annual basis.

Armstrong was a competitive swimmer before eventually shifting to triathlons and ultimately cycling. He said that he was never as good in traditional American sports like football or baseball, so his mother enrolled him in the pool.
“I joined the swim team when I was 12, and I was the worst kid in the pool, I was put with a group of 7-year-olds,” he said in an interview with Oprah Winfrey. However he quickly advanced and became much quicker in the pool.

First international event for Armstrong in over a decade

This will mark the first time in years that the former cyclist is competing on a major international event. His seven Tours de Frances were stripped when he confessed to using performance-enhancing drugs such as EPO.

“I’m excited to compete at the Enhanced Games in swimming, which as a sport, is my first love,” He said. Naturally, many were asking about the optics of going to an event where PEDs are not only allowed, but encouraged to use.

“I know at first it sounds weird that I’d go to the Games were doping is legal,” he said. “But just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. There is no way I’ll be doing any illegal drugs before or during them. The only substance I’ll be bringing with me is a six pack of Shiner Bock.”

Education first at the Games

In fact, the Texas native said that if anything, he hopes to educate athletes about doping. Not a how-to, but the dangers of cheating.

“My life was turned upside down after I doped, and I lost many friends, and a lot of money,”…

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