Cycling News

Oh Alberta! Brandon Semenuk heads to wild west for ‘Afterlife’

Oh Alberta! Brandon Semenuk heads to wild west for 'Afterlife'

After years of filming in B.C. and Utah, Brandon Semenuk heads to a new location and a really old time period. Afterlife delivers the Canadian freerider’s trademark mind-blowing moves in a prehistoric setting.

What does he find? There’s no actual T-Rex’s or tail whips of a Brontausauraus (Fred’s still got him beat on that one). But there are big wall rides, dino bones and a cute emo heart in the dirt. Not a bad haul for six minutes in southern Alberta!

Brandon Semenuk: Afterlife

What’s Red Bull say about Brandon Semenuk launching dino-sized sends in Afterlife?

In the heart of Alberta’s flatlands lies a hidden realm where prehistoric giants once roamed. We present you with Afterlife, a mountain bike film set against the backdrop of this jurassic landscape. Take a ride with us through this strange and unfamiliar earth!

Rider: Brandon Semenuk
Editing: Isaac Wallen
Cinematography: Isaac Wallen, Nic Genovese
Additional Cinematography: Anthony Vitale
Builders: Evan Young, Justin Wyper, Kane Boyce
Photography: Toby Cowley

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