Cycling News

US Marshals made fake yoga instructor ads in Costa Rica to catch Kaitlin Armstrong

Kaitlin Armstrong's lawyer wants to to chuck a bunch of the evidence in murder case

After the murder of Moriah Wilson, Kaitlin Armstrong disappeared in June 2022. Deputy U.S. Marshals Damien Fernandez and Emir Perez went to Costa Rica, spurred by a tip suggesting Armstrong’s presence in a small village called Santa Teresa. According to a new report from “CBS 48 hours”, the agents encountered a series of frustrating dead ends during their intensive search.

A new strategy to locate Kaitlin Armstrong

Despite days of relentless pursuit yielding no results, the U.S. Marshals, determined to exhaust every avenue, tried something different. Knowing she had been a yoga instructor before fleeing, they decided on a new strategy. Recognizing the difficulties posed by the small, tourist-filled village, they decided to place ads for a yoga instructor, hoping to draw Armstrong out of hiding.

Yoga ads to find the killer

Perez explained their rationale, stating, “We decided we were gonna put an ad out… or multiple ads for a yoga instructor and see—what would happen,” as recounted to “48 Hours” host Jonathan Vigliotti. Still, after a week of diligent efforts, there were no results. Perez and Fernandez figured they would have to go back home. However, just when it seemed like all hope was lost, a breakthrough occurred.

Kaitlin Armstrong in Costa Rica

One month post-disappearance, the marshals, now in pursuit in a different region of Costa Rica, received information suggesting Armstrong’s potential refuge in a small village along the Pacific coast.

Everyone resembled Kailtin Armstrong

“So you get to Santa Teresa,” Vigliotti said. “Was it easy to identify her there from the other people that were there?”

“I think from the get-go we were told,” Fernandez said. “You’re gonna be in for a surprise because a lot of the women in Santa Teresa look just like Kaitlin–a lot of them.” The advice about the abundance of women resembling Kaitlin Armstrong in Santa Teresa proved accurate.

So many tourists

The town, bustling with foreign tourists, became the focus for Deputy U.S. Marshals Fernandez and Perez, who arrived after dark. Navigating through the limited roads, Fernandez and Perez walked down the main…

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