Cycling News

How to win the town sign sprint on a group ride

How to win the town sign sprint on a group ride

Oh the beloved town sign sprint on your group ride; how we all want it so. If you’re someone who always seems to get beat in the final sprint, you can work on it. Sprinting takes many forms, but having some speed in your legs is crucial. Even on the local group ride, working on your technique can help the final dash to the line.

Sprinting takes many forms

Whether it’s from a small breakaway in the final kilometre before or a big mad dash by the group ride, it is always going to be a trip. Whether on your local club run or out with a training partner, it’s important to work on your speedwork. That imaginary finish by the town sign will never know what hit them.

There’s a few things to remember when you’re working on your sprint.

1. Set it up

Sprinting begins long before you push down hard on the pedals. When you know there’s a sprint coming up on a group ride, you need to steel yourself for it. Think of the weightlifter at the Olympics; they don’t just grab the bar before the clean and jerk. They focus, they take deep breaths and they get in the zone. Same goes for a sprint.
Get your hands at the top of the drops, right in behind your shifters, not too far down on the hooks. Take deep breaths and get your mind ready. When you get out of the saddle, aim to push forward at your hips instead, not bending at your waist. By doing this you’ll help transfer all your power to the pedals.

2. Now go get it in the sprint

The start of a good sprint is important. You’ll want to use the proper technique to take you through it all. You want to anchor your body to your bike to use every ounce of power in going forward. Hands need to be placed firmly on the bars, and your core engaged, bending at the hips. Then, and only then, can you grab the handlebars, push down on the pedals and lift off.

3. Drills to drill it

If you want to work on your sprint, it’s important to try and work in some sprinting practice during your training. Since the technique is so important, you can reduce your power, and try sprinting at lower speeds. You can still use a bigger gear, but simulate the act of sprinting without going all-out. Again, focus on the way you’re holding your bars, and the position of your body over the bike. Once you feel good about your technique, gradually up the power and speed. Find a sign or landmark and visualize the end of a race or ride.

4. 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off

A quick and easy workout to work on your sprint is by doing several…

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