Cycling News

Ontario cops use drones to nab motorists too close to cyclists

Ontario cops use drones to nab motorists too close to cyclists

Ontario police are increasing road enforcement and urging drivers to keep a one-metre gap when overtaking cyclists. Officers in York Region, which is an area north of Toronto, will commend compliant drivers and issue warnings or fines to those who fail to maintain the required distance.

Remembering Ellen Watters

“We are going to be conducting emphasized enforcement on cyclists and motorists with the help of drones to acknowledge both poor and correct actions on the road,” Const. Kevin Nebrija said. “A number of local cycling groups were in attendance, as well as dignitaries from municipalities. We had guests to kick things off and raise awareness around the campaign and why it is important.”

Marked increase in collisions in 2024

So far in 2024, 47 cyclists have been injured in collisions with motorists, marking a 34 percent increase compared to the same period in 2023, when 35 injuries were reported by May. Police recognize that cars driving too close to cyclists can be a dangerous practice.

“It is the law to give one metre to cyclists when out on the road. With cycling increasing in popularity, cyclists are often put in peril by motorists who pass unlawfully. ‘Roll coal’ is something drivers are known to do and otherwise drive dangerously around cyclists,” the officer said.

Roll coal is a term referring to the practice of modifying a diesel engine to emit large, dense clouds of black smoke, often as a form of protest or to show off.

“It can affect their vision and breathing. It is a behaviour drivers exhibit from time to time against cyclists,” he said.

Goals of the campaign

In a statement from York Region Police, the goal of the One Metre campaign, “is to change attitudes of both drivers and cyclists and improve the relationship between these groups. Improving driving and cycling behaviours, while increasing knowledge and understanding of the laws, will lead to safe streets and safe people, two of the York Regional Police Road Safety Strategy goals.”

The campaign aims to foster better relations between drivers and cyclists by promoting mutual understanding and adherence to road laws for safer streets and individuals.

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